Issue 62: Can learning to code help your Testing career ?
🕒 5 MIN READ | Published on: July 13, 2022This is the Software Testing Notes, a newsletter that goes out every Wednesday. I republish it here for sharing and referencing, but if you'd like to sign up you can do so right here:
Hello there! 👋
Welcome the 62nd edition of Software Testing Notes, a weekly newsletter featuring must-read content on Software Testing. I hope this week has been good for you so far. I have lots of nice reads for you this week, let me know what your favorite is!
📚 Testing
How Learning To Test and Code, and Becoming More Tool Aware Helped My Testing Career by Louise Gibbs
Many testers has this dilemma. As a tester do I need to know how to write and read the code ? does it really help me in my carrier as a tester ? and so much more questions like that. Well, Louise Gibbs shares few insights into the same and some other things that helped Louise’s career and might help you too.
And if you do decide to dip your toes into the world of coding and automation or felling overwhelmed or burned out, Dennis Martinez has some advice for you to Getting Into Test Automation With Less Stress.
Don’t ask “Why did the tester miss that bug?” by Mike Harris
When you treat your QA as a gatekeeper, this kinds of questions becomes common occurrence and breading ground for the conflicts in a team. Mike Harris shares an example of Red Beads Experiment by W. Edwards Deming to illustrate how someone can become victim of the process with no fault of their own.
7 Major Trends in Front End Web Testing by Andrew Knight
Tools and technologies may change, but the fundamentals of testing remain the same.
Andrew Knight shares insights on what’s new cooking in the world of the front end testing.
➜ Read all curated stuff on Software Testing here.
⚙️ Automation
Amazon SQS Listener Testing with @SqsTest (Spring Cloud AWS) by Philip Riecks
Wanna test Amazon SQS listener and wondering how to get started ? Philip Riecks wrote this guide explaining how you can utilize Testcontainers & LocalStack with the help of @SqsTest that will let you test Amazon SQS listeners in isolation.
3 Important Mobile Testing Techniques To Know by Daniel Knott
The thing about mobile apps is that one little issue can crash you rating on app stores and burn your product. In this article Daniel Knott writes about some of the most important mobile testing techniques that could serve you as a great starting point for your mobile testing journey.
How to Automate Gestures on Mobile? TouchAction Appium, Swipe using touch actions in appium by Sidharth
Take a look at this article to know about what kind of gestures are supported by the Appium and how to use them.
➜ Read all curated stuff on Software Testing Automation here.
💨 Performance
How to analyze TCP dump for slow backends by Ganeshapillai Vageeshan
Ever done any TCP dump analysis? or wondering how and what all those data points mean ? Ganeshapillai Vageeshan has written an article about how to use the tcpdump command-line packet sniffer tool that will allow you to capture or filter TCP/IP packets received or transferred across a network.
Android Apps Performance Testing Using Appium by Abhishek Dhoundiyal
Learn how to use driver.getPerformanceData method in Appium Android Driver to identify the different performance benchmarks with complete code example.
➜ Read all curated stuff on performance Testing here.
🛡️ Security
Hack with ‘goodfaith’ - A tool to automate and scale good faith hacking by Ryan Elkins
Goodfaith is a security testing software that is available as a Python package.
Ryan Elkins shows how to use goodfaith package for security testing purpose in a such a way that would reduce the likelihood of testing against out-of-scope targets.
DevOps Security Checklist for Kubernetes Deployment by Kayode Adeniyi
Kayode Adeniyi has came up with this great checklist that every devops engineer and security tester should keep in mind to test and maintain high level of security of Kubernetes infrastructure.
➜ Read all curated stuff on Security Testing here.
🌞 Accessibility
10 Best Web Accessibility Testing Tools For QA Teams In 2022 by Cristiano Valim
Hear is a collection of good accessibility testing tools by Cristiano Valim with brief description of each web accessibility testing solution and showcasing each tool’s best use case and some noteworthy features.
➜ Read all curated stuff on Accessibility Testing here.
🛠️ Resources & Tools
Ratchet — A Go-based tool for improving the security of CI/CD workflows by automating the process of pinning and unpinning upstream versions. Like npm, pip, or Yarn, but for CI/CD workflows.
RapiDAST — RapiDAST provides a framework for continuous, proactive and fully automated dynamic scanning against web apps/API.
📝 List of Software Testers
It's hard to find good articles, podcasts on Software Testing. Even hard to find people who create them. Are you also looking for amazing software testers to follow or read their content ? check out this page dedicated to software testers.
Do you also create content around Software Testing ? Submit yours here and I will add it to the list.
🎁 Bonus Content
- Tips To Work If You Are the Only QA On the Team
- Cypress v10 Tips and Tricks
- How To Refactor Your Acceptance Tests
😂 And Finally,
Keep Smiling and have a fun week.
📨 Send Me Your Articles, Tutorials, Tools!
Made something? Send links via Direct Message on Twitter @thetestingkit (details here). If you have any suggestions for improvement or corrections, feel free to reply to this email.
👋 Reach Out
You can follow me personally @priteshusdadiya and follow @thetestingkit to keep up-to-date on the community & fresh links to read.
Thanks so much for reading ,
Pritesh- Software Testing Notes
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