Issue 94: Dealing with Imposter Syndrome as a software tester
🕒 5 MIN READ | Published on: July 12, 2023This is the Software Testing Notes, a newsletter that goes out every Wednesday. I republish it here for sharing and referencing, but if you'd like to sign up you can do so right here:
Hello there! 👋
Welcome to the 94th edition of Software Testing Notes, a weekly newsletter featuring must-read content on Software Testing. I hope this week has been good for you so far.
In one of the previous issue(#86th), I shared a link about how to deal with Imposter Syndrome. This week, I stumbled upon another great article called Imposter Syndrome. This article is the personal account of Angela Riggs on how starting a new job, past experience and certain situations contributed to it and how did she worked towards moving past Imposter Syndrome.
I really liked the last bit, summarizing the heart of it.
Ask for help. Be vulnerable. Trust the people around you. You’ll make it through, too ❤️
Now, on to this week’s curated links. I have lots of nice reads for you this week, let me know what your favorite is!
🙏 Supported by
Tired of automated tests that are a pain to maintain? Try Reflect
Reflect is a no-code/low-code testing platform that supports even the most complex testing scenarios. Accurately record virtually any action you can take in a web browser, including drag-and-drops, file uploads, and interactions with iframes or Shadow DOM.
Using Reflect's new AI-powered features, you can now build automated tests by simply describing your test steps in plain English! Sign up for free!
📚 Testing
I’m a quality engineer and I’m not sure how I feel about that by Joep Schuurkes
Successes and failures are part of life. Sometimes it doesn’t work out the way you intended to. Here is one such story of Joep Schuurkes sharing his experience of taking on a new role of quality engineer, trying to make positive quality changes, ultimately getting laid off, and findings and reflection of quality engineering testing-related roles.
AI Testing – Measures and Scores by Jeff Nyman
Lots of interesting articles are coming from Jeff Nyman about AI in testing. I’ve curated some in #91st Issue. This week, Jeff Nyman has put out two articles talking about how to evaluate measures and scores used to assess the performance of AI systems.
Also read the second article, AI Testing – Measures and Scores, Part 2.
How to Get That Bug Fixed? by Lina Zubyte
Ever found a bug that just sitting in the backlog for months and gets fixed only after when customer notices? Lina Zubyte shares how to communicate such bugs to developers and relevant teams to get them fixed on time.
On Modelling by [Alan Richardson](http://Alan Richardson)
Having proper test models is the key to your testing success. This is a very insightful article by [Alan Richardson](http://Alan Richardson) showcasing how defining models helps in software development process and in testing too.
And while you are at it, also take a look at another [Alan Richardson](http://Alan Richardson)’s article sharing thoughts on A simple model of testing.
➜ Read all curated stuff on Software Testing here.
⚙️ Automation
UI Test Automation: Snapshot Testing in IOS by Beyza Budak
Wanna learn how to do Snapshot testing for IOS devices? In this article, Beyza Budak shares the benefits of Snapshot testing, and different types of snapshots, and how to set up and write snapshot tests using SnapshotTesting library in Swift programming language.
Furthermore, if you want to perform snapshot testing in the browser, Kostiantyn Teltov has written a nice guide — Playwright stories: Visual comparisons with Dynamic data.
And speaking Swift language, Pavel Stepanov has written about Three bad ways to test async code in Swift with Nimble and XCTest.
No Mocks Allowed by Marcello Galhardo
Service mocking is a great way to help developers to get the feature ready for testing and for testers to get started to draft/model various test scenarios. Marcello Galhardo takes a different stand in this article by sharing and showcasing how to achieve testable code without the need for mocks.
Why did the assertion fail even though the texts appeared identical? by Saurabh Ranadive
Having different Unicode characters might cause an assertion to fail even when visually it looks identical. Saurabh Ranadive dives into one such use-case of “Non-Breaking Spaces” and how to solve it in Cypress automation testing. (Concept can be re-applied in the framework of your choosing.)
The Definitive Guide to API Test Automation With Playwright by Butch Mayhew
Getting started with API test automation with Playwright? This is a really nice 11-part series (Currently on part 6) by Butch Mayhew who also happens to be a Playwright Ambassador. So, bookmark this article to follow along.
Additionally, Pirasanth Jesugeevegan shows a way to integrate Jira into your automation framework to raise a bug ticket using Playwright.
TestNG as A Theater Production by Rustam Niyazov
If you happen to like Theater, you are gonna love this article by Rustam Niyazov teaching you all about TestNG by using how theater production works.
👏 kudos to Rustam Niyazov for coming up with this very interesting way of Learning.
JUnit 5 – When to use Internal MethodSource by Elias Nogueira
There are many ways to manage and parametrized test data with JUnit. One such way is using @MethodSource
. Elias Nogueira shows how to utilize MethodSource with practical examples.
➜ Read all curated stuff on Software Testing Automation.
🛡️ Security
Exploiting Time-Based SQL Injections: Data Exfiltration by vikram naidu
We have learned much about simple SQL Injections in the past issues of the newsletter. But what the hack is “Time-Based” SQL Injections? vikram naidu provides a compressive overview in this article along with how to identify and extract data with Time-Based SQL Injection.
➜ Read all curated stuff on Security Testing.
🌞 Accessibility
Your Browser May Be Having a Secret Relationship with a Screen Reader by R. Neill Hadder
Screen readers are very helpful when you are doing accessibility testing. But do you know how Screen readers works internally? This is a very detailed article by R. Neill Hadder sharing how do Screen readers communicate with different browsers and what their tech looks like. Really interesting stuff.
And if you enjoy reading about this, you are sure to enjoy two more articles by R. Neill Hadder. Part 1 introduced accessibility APIs and the accessibility tree, and Part 2 provided a history lesson of how screen readers learned to cope with GUIs.
➜ Read all curated stuff on Accessibility Testing.
🛠️ Resources & Tools
ColorContrast.App — An online tool to check the contrast and accessibility of different color combinations based on WCAG or APCA standards. You can also simulate various forms of color blindness.
Sniffnet — A user-friendly network monitoring tool, built with Rust, to help you easily keep track of your Internet traffic.
Zeal — An offline documentation browser for software developers for Windows, Linux, and Mac, with support for docs for 200+ technologies.
📝 List of Software Testers
It's hard to find good articles, podcasts on Software Testing. Even hard to find people who create them. Are you also looking for amazing software testers to follow or read their content? check out this page dedicated to software testers.
Do you also create content around Software Testing? Submit yours here and I will add it to the list.
🎁 Bonus Content
- How Google Measures and Manages Tech Debt
- The false promise of the 10,000 hour rule
- How to create a personal website, but it’s 1999
- 5 reasons why your testing career becomes stagnant and how to fix it by Thanh Huynh
- Triangle Puzzle: A Vital Lesson! Critical Thinking and Software Testing by Fachrul Ch
- Logical Fallacies for Testers VII: The Hasty Generalization Fallacy by Kristin Jackvony
😂 And Finally,
Keep Smiling and have a fun week.
📨 Send Me Your Articles, Tutorials, Tools!
Wrote something? Send links via Direct Message on Twitter @thetestingkit (details here). If you have any suggestions for improvement or corrections, feel free to reply to this email.
Thanks to everyone for subscribing and reading!
Happy Testing!
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