This is the Software Testing Notes, a newsletter that goes out every Wednesday. I republish it here for sharing and referencing, but if you'd like to sign up you can do so right here:
Hey there, Pritesh here wishing you a happy week and welcome to the first issue of Software Testing Notes! ✨
This newsletter will be a weekly round up of the best Hand Curated Resource for Software Test Engineers curated by me and delivered to your email.
Happy Reading! 🙌
JdbcTemplate for Java automated database tests By Corina Pip
Working with Test data can be a pain if not handled properly. This article is a great post on working with MYSQL database in automation testing for creating/managing/deleting test data.
Creating A Test Automation Portfolio Episode 6: C# Solution For Ui Automation Using Selenium 4.0 (aka the missing episode) By Beth Marshall
Beth digs into the details of setting up the project framework for the automation tests with C# , managing relative locators and setting up web drivers.
JUnit and TDD for Testing By Alan Richardson
This post gets a great insights of the working with JUnit and TDD for the Testers.
Battle-Test Your API With Artillery Load Testing By Dennis Martinez
Artillery is a Node.js package designed for testing backend systems, such as APIs. Out of the box, it supports your standard HTTP APIs, along with protocols like WebSockets. It also integrates with the library for Node.js applications
Jetty Load Generator By NaveenKumar Namachivayam
Another great hunt by Naveen, I am always amazed by naveen finding so much col stuff on performance testing. Jetty is a small lightweight utility to generate load on the HTTP server. This post is a small case study by naveen on the same.
Apple New Proxy Feature to Prevent Leaking IP Addresses to Google By Guru
List of Software Testing Blogs:
It's hard to find good articles, podcasts on Software Testing. Even hard to find people who create them. And so, I have created the a separate page called List of Software Testers in Software Testing Notes website. I am going to try and add new testers to this list Every Week.
Testing added this week : Bas Dijkstra , Ben Dowen, NaveenKumar Namachivayam and Rachel Leggett.
That’s it for the first issue of the #SoftwareTestingNotes .I hope this newsletter issue will be helpful.
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Have a great week,
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