Issue 86: Goodbye 5blogs!
🕒 5 MIN READ | Published on: May 18, 2023This is the Software Testing Notes, a newsletter that goes out every Wednesday. I republish it here for sharing and referencing, but if you'd like to sign up you can do so right here:
Hello there! 👋
Welcome the 86th edition of Software Testing Notes, a weekly newsletter featuring must-read content on Software Testing. I hope this week has been good for you so far.
Before we begin, allow me to take a few seconds to apricate all the good work that Simon P. Schrijver has done over the years with 5blogs. It was one of the few curation I looked forward to reading every week.
To some of you who might not know, 5blogs has over 3000 posts curating some of the amazing article, news and resources on software testing every week.
Sadly Simon has decided to stop curation. Although, the post doesn’t specify it, I’m hoping to see more of Simon’s work in the future.
Thank you so much for the shoutout Simon P. Schrijver . 3k+ weekly curation is such a high bar I can’t comprehend the dedication and efforts that you have put.
Now, on to this week’s curated links. I have lots of nice reads for you this week, let me know what your favorite is!
📚 Testing
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Bugs: How Visual Testing Can Improve Software Quality by Neil Matillano
Visual testing involves validating the appearance and layout of a user interface.
When it come to testing the UI/UX aspect of software, automating visual regression for mobile/web can help you tremendously. Neil Matillano has done a nice job explaining the importance of Visual testing along with how to do it with some of the most popular visual testing tools.
Logical Fallacies for Testers V: False Dichotomy by Kristin Jackvony
The False Dichotomy fallacy is used when someone presents two opposing options as if they are the only possibilities; that no middle way exists.
This week, we have a another great article on “Logical Fallacies for Testers” series to read. In this article, Kristin Jackvony explores the idea of False Dichotomy.
Tester Imposter Syndrome by Callum Akehurst-Ryan
Most people I know, feel this at some point in their life. Imposter Syndrome is very real and hard to get out of. Callum Akehurst-Ryan shares some great advice to us on how to deal with it.
➜ Read all curated stuff on Software Testing here.
⚙️ Automation
An Automated Smoke Test Failed; Should We Still Test The Deployment? by Paul Grizzaffi
Paul Grizzaffi explains the philosophy behind the smoke tests, how they should be treated and what can we do to get maximum benefit from them.
The Zen of Page Objects: Find Inner Peace and Clean Code by Yana Lunts
POM is the gold standard for Web UI automation. In this article, Yana Lunts shares 7 best practices to follow for Page Objects.
Exploring WireMocks Admin API by Bart Vanherck
Wiremock is one of the most popular tool to simulate HTTP-based services and test applications. In this article, Bart Vanherck explores the stub mappings and scenarios that you can manipulate with the it’s admin API.
➜ Read all curated stuff on Software Testing Automation.
💨 Performance
Performance Test with Postman Canary by Alex Rodriguez
Postman recently released Postman’s API performance testing. Alex Rodriguez has written an very detailed guide on how to utilize postman to simulate the real world performance test.
Performance Test With JMeter Distributed Testing (Step-By-Step Guide) by Larry Deng
Confused how the distributed performance testing works? Wanna learn how to do it with JMeter? Then take a look at this article by Larry Deng sharing step by step guide to distributing testing with JMeter.
Performing Load Testing with Artillery in a Nutshell by Amr Salem
Another great piece by Amr Salem. This time around Amr shares some very useful introduction on how to use artillery for load testing.
➜ Read all curated stuff on Performance Testing.
🌞 Accessibility
Training for Accessibility: What Would I Say and How Would I Say It? A Series (Part 1) by Michael Larsen
Take a look at this article to learn about what accessibility is, the importance of it, and why we might want to care about it.
Michael Larsen also wrote an follow up article discussing about A Very Quick and Somewhat Incomplete History of Accessibility: Training for Accessibility: A Series (Part 2)
➜ Read all curated stuff on Accessibility Testing.
🛠️ Resources & Tools
Pythagora — Generate integration tests for your Node.js app by recording server activity without writing a single line of code.
Accessibility Checker — A free online ADA and WCAG compliance checker that identifies web accessibility issues and gives instructions for fixing them, just enter a URL.
Jest OpenTelemetry — Write, build, and run integration tests based on OpenTelemetry traces with Jest-like syntax.
Check HTML Links — A fast CLI tool that checks for broken links or link references in HTML pages.
📝 List of Software Testers
It's hard to find good articles, podcasts on Software Testing. Even hard to find people who create them. Are you also looking for amazing software testers to follow or read their content ? check out this page dedicated to software testers.
Do you also create content around Software Testing ? Submit yours here and I will add it to the list.
🎁 Bonus Content
- Contracts you should never sign
- What makes a team good at Scrum?
- 4 proven ways to kick your procrastination habit
- Introduction to Shift Left Testing
- My five favorite testing questions
- All you need to know about Fuzzing / Fuzz Testing?
😂 And Finally,
Keep Smiling and have a fun week.
📨 Send Me Your Articles, Tutorials, Tools!
Wrote something? Send links via Direct Message on Twitter @thetestingkit (details here). If you have any suggestions for improvement or corrections, feel free to reply to this email.
Thanks to everyone for subscribing and reading!
Happy Testing!
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