Issue 110: List of Chromium Command Line Switches
🕒 5 MIN READ | Published on: November 17, 2023This is the Software Testing Notes, a newsletter that goes out every Wednesday. I republish it here for sharing and referencing, but if you'd like to sign up you can do so right here:
Hello there! 👋
Welcome to the 110th edition of Software Testing Notes, a weekly newsletter featuring must-read content on Software Testing. I hope this week has been good for you so far.
When you are testing on Chrome browsers, you know there are lots of things you can do with DevTools. But do you know there are many more things you can do using Switches?
For example, if you are testing locally for webapp and temporary wanted to avoid getting SSL errors, you can execute something like,
"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\...\chrome.exe" --allow-insecure-localhost
or if you are on Mac,
open -a "Google Chrome" --args --incognito --allow-insecure-localhost
Really helpful stuff, Right?
This week, I stumbled upon a great List of Chromium Command Line Switches by Peter Beverloo containing available switches including their conditions to change behavior of features, debugging or experimenting with Chromium-based web browsers.
📚 Testing
What does a QA Lead Do? by Jayateerth Katti
How does a role of QA Lead differ from others in testing? Jayateerth Katti shares some quick insights from his ~20 years of experience.
Why You Need a GitHub Portfolio as a Tester: Showcasing Bugs with Style! by ResterTest
Having a sound portfolio of projects on GitHub can open many doors to great work opportunities. But where to start exactly and how to go about building a testing portfolio? Read this article and find out.
Secret sauce to great testing is to change the managers by Maaret Pyhäjärvi
Sometimes changes are for the better. This blog post by Maaret Pyhäjärvi discusses how they managed to improve testing in their product team by changing the managers and what lead to that conclusion.
Not all UI tests are the same by Alex Zhukovich
This article by Alex Zhukovich discusses different types of UI testing, including end-to-end testing, UI testing with fake data, pixel perfection testing, and accessibility testing. It provides information on how to get started with UI testing and includes examples based on the "Mood Tracker" application. The article also highlights the pros and cons of each type of UI testing.
➜ Read all curated stuff on Software Testing.
⚙️ Automation
Stress testing Playwright tests using GitHub Actions by Luc Gagan
Are you using Playwright for your automation testing? And are you running your testing with CI/CD? Then this article by Luc Gagan is just what you need to get things to next level by improving the reliability of CI/CD pipelines by setting up a custom workflow in GitHub Actions to repeat tests across different environments, ensuring a more comprehensive assessment of their robustness.
Efficient Testing with Robolectric & Roborazzi Across Many UI States, Devices and Configurations by Sergio Sastre Florez
Robolectric is a popular UI testing tool from Google that enables running UI tests without a physical device or emulator.
Another great gem by Sergio Sastre Florez. Tip your toes into how Robolectric works, along with screenshot testing using new "Robolectric Native Graphics" (RNG) and the use of libraries like Roborazzi for introducing screenshot testing with Robolectric.
An early look at the future of testing with swift-testing by Pol Piella
swift-testing is meant to be a proof of concept for a new testing API for Swift that is based on macros and that is integrated into Swift the same way that
This article by Pol Piella discusses a new testing library called swift-testing for Swift programming language. Pol Piella provides an example of how to use the library and explains the differences in organizing and defining tests compared to XCTest. The article also includes a test case that showcases the library's features.
Take your iOS UI Tests to the next level by Kacper Dziubek
Writing UI tests for your iOS apps? Kacper Dziubek shares few tips on how to make them better. The article takes a example of few poorly written UI tests and demonstrates what we could do to make them more efficient and reliable.
➜ Read all curated stuff on Software Testing Automation.
💨 Performance
Continuous performance testing with K6 and Testkube by Alexander Chumakin
Testkube is the Kubernetes Native Test Orchestration and Execution Framework.
Really nice article demonstrating how to setup Testkube to execute performance tests with K6 in Kubernetes along with results visualization with InfluxDB and Grafana.
➜ Read all curated stuff on Performance Testing.
🛡️ Security
Supercharge Your Web Security Skills: Set Up WebGoat in Kali Linux/Parrot OS 2023
WebGoat is a deliberately insecure application to practice your security testing skills. To get started first you would need to setup the app and this article explores two methods to set up WebGoat, providing you with the flexibility to choose between Java and Docker.
➜ Read all curated stuff on Security Testing.
🌞 Accessibility
An Accessibility Bookmarklet for Testing 200% Text Size by Ashlee M Boyer
WCAG 2.2 Success Criterion 1.4.4 - Resize Text, states that text can be resized up to 200% without loss of content or functionality.
This article by Ashlee M Boyer discusses an accessibility bookmarklet that can be used to test how well a webpage handles text being resized to 200% of the base size. Ashlee M Boyer shares how to add the bookmarklet to a browser and explains the difference between text resizing and browser zoom.
Accessibility Testing with Chrome DevTools by Josefine Schaefer
This article discusses the importance of web accessibility testing and how to perform it using Chrome DevTools. Josefine Schaefer shares how to use automated testing with Lighthouse Accessibility Audit and manual testing in the Accessibility Pane of Chrome DevTools.
Furthermore, Elizabeth (Lola) Meshioye also shares How I test a website for accessibility by using Google Lighthouse and how to address common accessibility issues, such as missing alt attributes for images and unclear link names, and provides solutions for fixing them.
➜ Read all curated stuff on Accessibility Testing.
🛠️ Resources & Tools
Insomnium — A 100% local and privacy-focused open-source API client for testing GraphQL, REST, WebSockets, Server-sent events, and gRPC in development and production.
Quick JavaScript Switcher — Chrome extension. A quick way to disable/enable JavaScript in the browser, with the ability to limit to a subdomain or hostname.
MiniSim — An open-source, lightweight, native Mac menubar app that allows you to quickly launch iOS and Android emulators.
Remix Development Tools — A toolkit for working with Remix applications, to efficiently monitor and manage various aspects of your Remix projects, including page information, URL parameters, server responses, loader data, routes, and more.
Rivet — A browser extension that enables developers to inspect, debug, modify, and manipulate the state of Ethereum: accounts, blocks, contracts, and the node itself.
📝 List of Software Testers
It's hard to find good articles, podcasts on Software Testing. Even hard to find people who create them. Are you also looking for amazing software testers to follow or read their content ? check out this page dedicated to software testers.
Do you also create content around Software Testing ? Submit yours here and I will add it to the list.
🎁 Bonus Content
- Dynamic Test Generation with Open API Spec 3.0 by Allen Helton
- Generate End-to-End Testing reports using CodeceptJS, Playwright and Allure Report by Ruslan Kazakov
- Building a Load Testing Framework using — The Intro (Part 1) by Kushal Bhalaik
😂 And Finally,
Tester: Untold story of Developers 🤣
Keep Smiling and have a fun week.
📨 Send Me Your Articles, Tutorials, Tools!
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Thanks to everyone for subscribing and reading!
Happy Testing!
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