Issue 20: Robot Framework Cookbook
🕒 5 MIN READ | Published on: August 11, 2021This is the Software Testing Notes, a newsletter that goes out every Wednesday. I republish it here for sharing and referencing, but if you'd like to sign up you can do so right here:
Hello everyone! 👋
I’m Pritesh and this is the 20th edition of Software Testing Notes, a weekly newsletter featuring must-read content on Software Testing. I hope this week has been good for you so far.
I’m experimenting with publishing newsletter on different days and some format changes for this newsletter. So, you might see couple of changes here and there in coming few weeks.
Without further ado, let me share weekly round up of curated links. There was a tons of material published this week and obviously I wasn’t able to include everything here. So, do checkout Software Testing Notes website to find more links curated last week and let me know what your favorite is!
Happy Testing and have a great rest of the week! 🙏
📚 On Testing
How Competitor Analysis Can Help Software Testers by Prashant Hegde
As a testers we do talk a lot about how to facilitate the testing ? what tools to use ? what are the entry and exist criteria ? But rarely on what other factors outside of your product that might also have some impact on your testing. Prashant Hegde talks about one of those factors in this post. A great learning on how competitor analysis can help software testers.
The Spellchecker Principle by Josh Grant
When it comes to software quality, sometimes little things do really matter. In fact, “little” things aren’t always so little. One piece of functionality may make the difference between a wildly loved product and one that will be lost to the sands of time.
A very interesting thought experiment by Josh Grant on how little things can make a huge difference and how it relates to the Software Quality.
Test Debt Fundamentals: What, Why & Warning Signs by Antoine Craske
Learn about what, how and Why of the Test Debt including some of the early signs of the same and how to address it in this post.
But if you do find your self in this situation, Nishi G. has a interesting perspective on how Technical Debt Can Actually Help Improve your Sprints.
A Story of Agile by Raghav Pal
This kind of posts are my favorites. Lean about what Agile is with this story of Mickey and Minnie cartoons. A very fun way to lean.
Read all previously curated amazing articles, news on Software Testing here.
⚙️ Automation
QA Tester Beginner Series: A beginner's guide to Page Object Model (POM) and Page Factory by Theodore Gerrad
Getting started on automation testing and wondering just what the hack is POM ? Theodore Gerrad got you covered with this article jam packed with all the thing that you need to know.
Robot Framework Cookbook by Emna Ayadi
Emna recently took up a challenge made by Adrian Yorke to explore the Robot Framework CookBook open source project and wrote about finding in this excellent post.
Testing in production: using JSON Schema for 3rd party API response validation by Kristian Dupont
In previous edition, I shared a tool called AJV to validate JSON schema. Kristian Dupont has came up with a very interesting use case of validating 3rd party api response schemas with AJV.
Dynamic API Test Suite in Postman by Adnan Arif Sait
wondering how to generate dynamic requests, start parameterization in Postman ? Adnan Arif Sait got you converted with this detailed example.
A great addition to this is How to handle REST API and parsing the response in Postman?? by Pricilla Bilavendran
Test automation — thoughts after 15 years of experience by Piotr Kałuski
Lots of people are writing about their work experience in Testing field. This week Piotr Kałuski shares his learning over the years on test automation. This will be his first article in a series on test automation.
Test Development Patterns and Anti-Patterns by Hui Ching Lim
A well written article by Hui Ching Lim on the best coding practices, DOs and DONTs during Test Development.
Disadvantages Of Automation #QuickRead by Jamaal Todd
we do hear a lot about advantages of introducing the automation but not nearly enough of potential downsides that come along with it. Jamaal shares his thoughts on the same as he lists few common automation pitfalls like,
- Maintenance.
- Reliability.
- Runtime.
- Static.
- Expensive.
An introduction to snapshot testing on Android in 2021 by Sergio Sastre Flórez
Get your self familiarized with Snapshot testing (also called Screenshot testing) in Android devices with this post by Sergio.
Read all previously curated amazing articles, news on Automation here.
💨 Performance
Performance Testing Measurements (Fundamentals) by Klaudia
Learn about why we need performance metrics, how to select them, and categories of measurements in this post by Klaudia.
Read all previously curated amazing articles, news on Performance here.
🛡️ Security
What is OAuth 2.0 ? How it Works ? A Detailed Explanation of Authorization Framework by Milind Daftari via Cyber Security News
OAuth is becoming more common used method for the user authorization and it should be a part of your learning for security testing. Milind Daftari provides a detailed guide on the same in this article.
How to Become a Certified Ethical Hacker by XSS Rat
Your learning path for becoming an certified ethical hacker explained with every nook and cranny by Wesley Thijs.
Read all previously curated amazing articles, news on Security here.
🌞 Accessibility
101 Digital Accessibility tips and tricks by InHuOfficial
Okay, not specifically for the testing but a great collection of resources for all the testers out there who want to learn more about accessibility in general and how it impacts on overall products.
A11y with Ady: August 2021 by Ady Stokes
As always, Ady is back with this monthly retrospective on all thing accessibility.
Read all previously curated amazing articles, news on Accessibility here
🛠️ Resources & Tools
TestCase Studio :
Sanjay Kumar - creator or SelectorsHub just launched an another tool called TestCase Studio. It’s a browser extension that records the user actions performed on a web application in English Sentences. he also has made an video explaining difference between TestCase Studio and other plugins like Selenium IDE.
Gmail Tester :
A simple Node.js Gmail client which checks/returns email message(s) straight from any Gmail-powered account (both private and company).
Karate Robot : Desktop Automation Made Simple.
Desktop automation framework, part of karate opensource framework. checkout this installation guide with example scenario to get started.
Bogus :
📇 A simple and sane fake data generator for C#, F#, and VB.NET. Based on and ported from the famed faker.js.
📝 List of Software Testers
It's hard to find good articles, podcasts on Software Testing. Even hard to find people who create them. Are you also looking for amazing software testers to follow or read their content ? check out this page dedicated to software testers.
Do you also create content around Software Testing ? Submit yours here and I will add it to the list.
😂 And Finally,
The moment you realize that you have executed Tests in the wrong environment 😆 by Yogesh Khairnar
Keep Smiling and have a fun week.
👋 Reach Out
Let me know what you thought about this newsletter, maybe you have some ideas you'd like to share.
You can follow me personally @priteshusdadiya. I give insights into Testing, development & how I'm growing Software Testing Notes.
You can follow @thetestingkit to keep up-to-date on the community & fresh links to read.
Happy Reading. 🔥
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