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Hey there, Pritesh here wishing you a happy Monday👋 . This week I found some of the best reads in the Software Testing. Hope you will enjoy it.
2 part series of Automation hacks by Davit Danelia was very interesting. few tricks up you sleeve really helps you get going :).
Selenium(Java) Hack you MUST know as an Test Automation Engineer! P.1
Selenium(Java) Hack you MUST know as an Test Automation Engineer! P.2
The Trick to Get Going With Test Automation At Work By Dennis Martinez
Dennis goes into details about setting up the Automation framework fairly quickly. This post talks about The mistake testers make when bringing up test automation and how to work through few challenges to bring successful test automation.
What I learned from Practitest’s State of Testing Report 2021 By Beth Marshall
I read couple of interesting stats about Software Testing Report. it’s a nice small summary of the current trends of software testing.
Using Retries in tests can hide the bugs By Corina Pip
What do you do when you test fails randomly? would you just execute the same test again directly or try to get into bottom of it ? This post discuss about few reason of the random failures and what can we do to address it.
Write your first test in Cypress By Dilpreet Johal
get started with Cypress web automation with this introductory article.
Selenium Python Generate Screenshot By Automation Bro
Taking screenshots of the test failures are one of the most critical part of the test automation. This post with YouTube tutorial will walk you through the implementation of method that takes screenshot of test failure.
How to use the Factory design pattern to create browser instances: the simple approach By Elias Nogueira
Creating multi-browser test approach with design pattern. This article explanins how we can manage multiple browser configuration with few hand full methods using design pattern for selenium java.
Introduction to Automated Security Testing with OWASP Zap, Dependency Checker and Glue. By Thomas Shipley
This post is a introduction of Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) and couple of tools that can help with security testing like OWASP Dependency Checker, ZAP and Glue. In this post, Thomas introduces us to them all and explains how they are meant to work together.
TOP 15 Questions and answers to automation testing interview
List of few fundamental questions of test automation as well as specialized questions for mid- to professional applicants with a career of between 1 and 5 years.
So, that’s it for this week’s round up. hope you like it.
Happy Reading. 🔥
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