Issue 33: Top Challenges of Automated End-to-End Testing
🕒 5 MIN READ | Published on: November 18, 2021This is the Software Testing Notes, a newsletter that goes out every Wednesday. I republish it here for sharing and referencing, but if you'd like to sign up you can do so right here:
Hello everyone! 👋
Welcome the 33rd edition of Software Testing Notes, a weekly newsletter featuring must-read content on Software Testing. I hope this week has been good for you so far. I have lots of nice reads for you this week, let me know what your favorite is!
Happy Testing and have a great rest of the week! 🙏
⚙️ Automation
Top Challenges of Automated End-to-End Testing by Dennis Martinez
See which challenges affect most end-to-end testing efforts and learn how to overcome them to help build and maintain high-quality applications.
Autocompleting selectors in Cypress with TypeScript by Filip Hric
Learn about how to create custom command that will autocomplete your selectors, perform a check on your tests, how to grep selectors from your app and how to create warning if there are selectors in your app that you are not using.
Experimenting with Cypress Studio by Marie Drake
Marie Drake gives an overview as to what Cypress Studio is, how to integrate it on your projects, some limitations that you need to be aware of and an in-depth look at its features.
How to cut your Selenium test run time by 70% by Nikolay Advolodkin
Who does’t want faster test execution ? Nikolay Advolodkin shares few example of how to reveal and resolve a 70% inefficiency in test run time. You can apply the lessons learned to your own tests.
Developer Tools secrets that shouldn’t be secrets by Christian Heilmann
There is no doubt that, besides the Elements tool, Console is the most used part of the browser developer tools.
👉 Read all curated stuff on Software Testing Automation here.
💨 Performance
Check Internet Speed with Apple Network Responsiveness by NaveenKumar
In macOS Monterey, Apple has released a command line tool called networkQuality
. In this blog article NaveenKumar takes a deep dive into networkQuality and its usage.
👉 Read all curated stuff on performance Testing here.
🌞 Accessibility
Myths about Web Accessibility by Alvaro Montoro
Alvaro argues that most of the misconceptions surrounding Web Accessibility come from a lack of knowledge or interest.
👉Read all curated stuff on Accessibility Testing here.
🛠️ Resources & Tools
tflint — Linters and its plugins for HashiCorp Terraform (not HashiCorp official organization)
terrascan — Detect compliance and security violations across Infrastructure as Code to mitigate risk before provisioning cloud native infrastructure.
JestTestGen — Takes a .js/.ts file as input and generates a Jest unit test file next to it with all imports mocked and test stubs for every class method and function exported.'
Cypress Studio — Cypress Studio provides a visual way to generate tests within the Test Runner, by recording interactions against the application under test.
📝 List of Software Testers
It's hard to find good articles, podcasts on Software Testing. Even hard to find people who create them. Are you also looking for amazing software testers to follow or read their content ? check out this page dedicated to software testers.
Do you also create content around Software Testing ? Submit yours here and I will add it to the list.
📨 Send Me Your Articles, Tutorials, Tools!
Made something? Send links via Direct Message on Twitter @thetestingkit (details here). If you have any suggestions for improvement or corrections, feel free to reply to this email.
😂 And Finally,
Programmers are never at peace 😂
Keep Smiling and have a fun week.
👋 Reach Out
You can follow me personally @priteshusdadiya. I give insights into Testing, development & how I'm growing Software Testing Notes.
You can follow @thetestingkit to keep up-to-date on the community & fresh links to read.
Thanks so much for reading ,
Pritesh- Software Testing Notes
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