Issue 35: What does it mean 'to test a blockchain' and which knowledge do you need for it
🕒 5 MIN READ | Published on: December 1, 2021This is the Software Testing Notes, a newsletter that goes out every Wednesday. I republish it here for sharing and referencing, but if you'd like to sign up you can do so right here:
Hello everyone! 👋
Welcome the 35th edition of Software Testing Notes, a weekly newsletter featuring must-read content on Software Testing. I hope this week has been good for you so far. I have lots of nice reads for you this week, let me know what your favorite is!
Happy Testing and have a great rest of the week! 🙏
📚 Testing
Is there a place for test managers in Agile Development? by David Tzemach
Test managers can add great value to the Agile software development process. David Tzemach describes the need of understanding the context and what you need, so you can get the most benefit from their knowledge and experience.
Metamorphic Testing by Michael Stahl
Metamorphic testing allows the creation of a large number of tests on complex systems without the need to invest much time and effort in calculating expected results or in setting up the test system to ensure a specific result.
Fascinating article about Metamorphic testing by Michael Stahl.
What does it mean 'to test a blockchain' and which knowledge do you need for it by Oleksandr Romanov
What blockchain brings to the testing world? How deeply do you need to know about blockchain to test with such systems?
In this blog post, Oleksandr Romanov describes a few different cases of testing blockchains and also shares his list of things we would need to know to bring quality to such systems successfully.
Flaky Tests And Their Causes by Hala Samir
In this article, Hala Samir lays out few common reasons for flaky tests and aslo discusses how to mitigate them.
👉 Read all curated stuff on Software Testing here.
⚙️ Automation
The best way to add a Request Body to a POST request using Rest-Assured by Elias Nogueira
Elias Nogueira shares his recommendation on best approach for the test automation.
End-to-End testing with Cypress by Sergii Kirianov
Get started with end to end testing with cypress. Making first project set-up to implement tests with Cypress testing framework.
E2E test API’s using Docker and GitLab CI by Robert-Jan Kuyper
In this article, Robert-Jan Kuyper gives a brief overview of how to end-to-end test API’s inside GitLab CI.
Writing automated e2e tests for known buggy systems by Alister B Scott
Alister B Scott shows few different options all with their own advantages and disadvantages to manage the bugs in end to end tests in Playwright.
- Option One: Commit the failing test as it is
- Option Two: Mark the failing test as skipped
- Option Three: Update the assertion to be incorrect (with a comment)
- Option Four:
Getting Started with Test Automation Code Reviews by Oluwatomi Familoni
So, how do you perform code reviews for your automation code ? or are you new to reviewing test automation code ? Oluwatomi Familoni shares very interesting perspective and step by step process that you can follow for the code reviews.
👉 Read all curated stuff on Software Testing Automation here.
💨 Performance
How Implementing Chaos Engineering Can Benefit Your Project by Ralfs Bremmers
Learn about what chaos engineering and few different terminologies associated with it. And also get started with performing chaos experiment with Gremlin.
👉 Read all curated stuff on performance Testing here.
🛠️ Resources & Tools
SWAPI - The Star Wars API — The Star Wars API, or "swapi" (Swah-pee) is the world's first quantified and programmatically-accessible data source for all the data from the Star Wars canon universe!
pytest-recording — A pytest plugin that allows recording network interactions via
vcrpy — Automatically mock your HTTP interactions to simplify and speed up testing
📝 List of Software Testers
It's hard to find good articles, podcasts on Software Testing. Even hard to find people who create them. Are you also looking for amazing software testers to follow or read their content ? check out this page dedicated to software testers.
Testers added this week : Oleg Andreyev, Sérgio Martins and Jolivé Hodehou
Do you also create content around Software Testing ? Submit yours here and I will add it to the list.
📨 Send Me Your Articles, Tutorials, Tools!**
Made something? Send links via Direct Message on Twitter @thetestingkit (details here). If you have any suggestions for improvement or corrections, feel free to reply to this email.
😂 And Finally,
Keep Smiling and have a fun week.
👋 Reach Out
You can follow me personally @priteshusdadiya. I give insights into Testing, development & how I'm growing Software Testing Notes.
You can follow @thetestingkit to keep up-to-date on the community & fresh links to read.
Thanks so much for reading ,
Pritesh- Software Testing Notes
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