Issue 101: Is It Time You Moved On from Quality Engineering?
🕒 5 MIN READ | Published on: August 31, 2023This is the Software Testing Notes, a newsletter that goes out every Wednesday. I republish it here for sharing and referencing, but if you'd like to sign up you can do so right here:
Hello there! 👋
Welcome to the 101st edition of Software Testing Notes, a weekly newsletter featuring must-read content on Software Testing. I hope this week has been good for you so far.
Did you knew that Chrome driver team/Google has stopped publishing chrome driver/binary using their traditional methods?
Yup, now they will publish on
This page lists the latest available cross-platform Chrome for Testing versions and assets per Chrome release channel.
Hope this helps.
Now, lets dive into this week’s curated links, let me know what your favorite is!
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TestDevTools is a free collection of 350+ hand-picked tools & resources for your every testing needs. Whether you're looking for a new Automation tool, framework alternatives, a new way to manage test data, a way to learn development or testing… I got you covered.
📚 Testing
Is It Time You Moved On from Quality Engineering? by Stuart Thomas
World of Quality is ever innovative and changing, but still it’s not always a right choice for everyone. If you are someone who is looking to change career path, Stuart Thomas has written a very compressive article detailing several options available to you and career path you can take.
Elevating Test Quality Through Observability by Denis Peganov
We had talked about Observability in testability in previous (100th) Issue. Now, let’s take a border view in the context of software monitoring. In this article, Denis Peganov writes about why you should have proper monitoring in place and such how Observability tools can help enhance your testing.
➜ Read all curated stuff on Software Testing.
⚙️ Automation
The Definitive Guide to API Test Automation With Playwright: Part 9 - Validating JSON Schema by Butch Mayhew
ahh, the 9th article. Butch Mayhew has been burning midnight oil working on this series. This article has everything you might need to know about JSON schema validation using snapshots, and asserting on those snapshots within Playwright API tests.
Want to read all articles in the series? Here is the link.
Generating GoFakeIt Data for Testing in Go with GoFakeIt by Sidharthan Chandrasekaran Kamaraj
Similar to what we have for Java and Python, GoFakeIt library is used to create meaningful fake test data for your tests. Take a look at this article by Sidharthan Chandrasekaran Kamaraj showing everything you need to get started with generate realistic fake data with GoFakeIt.
5 Ways to Make Your End-To-End Tests More Stable by Dennis Martinez
Maintain your end to end task is crucial for you automation tests. There is just too many things can go wrong. But with proper strategy in place can help you ton in this regard. Read this article by Dennis Martinez sharing five ways you can use to stabilize your end to end tests.
How to Capture Full Webpage Screenshots with Selenium in Python: A Step-by-Step Guide by shadowb
Why use any third party apps and chrome plugins when you can just write a selenium script to take screenshot of the entire webpage. Take a look at this guide by shadowb sharing code example of how to use Selenium with Python to take full webpage screenshots. (Well, sometimes you might just have to use tools for SS but it’s a nice implementation that can serve you for many use cases)
Java Project and JUnit — Mutation Test by Daniel Maioni
Mutation testing can be a hard subject to get your head around. Here is a article by Daniel Maioni with a learning exercise on implementing mutation testing from scratch with JUnit.
5 Snapshot Testing Tools for Android by Stephan Petzl
I had shared a link in previous (100th) Issue about comparing several Android Snapshot libraries. This week, I came across this another great post sharing five snapshot tools. Stephan Petzl also explains the term “Snapshot testing” and “Screenshot testing”.
Fixing Intermittent Failures in Cypress: Best Practices for Stable Testing by Vishmi Perera
Intermittent failures are a pain to deal with. But there is something you could do to reduce them. For Cypress testing, Vishmi Perera has shared some good suggestion you could implement for your automated cypress testing.
➜ Read all curated stuff on Software Testing Automation.
💨 Performance
Web Server Load Balancing: Techniques and Best Practices by Hitesh Jethva
This is a must read post for all interested in performance testing. Hitesh Jethva did a really nice job explaining web server Load Balancing and its different techniques.
Chaos Testing: Everything You Need To Know by Dominik Szahidewicz
Really good comprehensive guide by Dominik Szahidewicz exploring the concept of chaos engineering experiments, how to use chaos engineering and run chaos tests? and the best practices and challenges to lookout for when designing your chaos experiments.
➜ Read all curated stuff on Performance Testing.
🛠️ Resources & Tools
JSONView — This Chrome extension simplifies rendering complex raw JSON data into a simple and easy to read format.
sqlite-gui — SQLite database editor for Windows. Small, simple, powerful, fast, free. Modern Windows95 style interface as a bonus.
📝 List of Software Testers
It's hard to find good articles, podcasts on Software Testing. Even hard to find people who create them. Are you also looking for amazing software testers to follow or read their content ? check out this page dedicated to software testers.
Do you also create content around Software Testing ? Submit yours here and I will add it to the list.
🎁 Bonus Content
- Microsoft is bringing Python to Excel
- The farther you go up the ladder, the less it’s about your technical skills
- Sense of Belonging and Software Teams
- Unit Tests Are Overrated: Rethinking Testing Strategies by Titus Fortner
- You wouldn’t test a car once it’s fully assembled, why do that to your app? by David Burns
- Successful collaborative testing sessions by Ben Dowen
😂 And Finally,
Testing in Production. It always happens atleast once for every product.🤣
Keep Smiling and have a fun week.
📨 Send Me Your Articles, Tutorials, Tools!
Wrote something? Send links via Direct Message on Twitter @thetestingkit (details here). If you have any suggestions for improvement or corrections, feel free to reply to this email.
Thanks to everyone for subscribing and reading!
Happy Testing!
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